Sunday 5 January 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover - Change is as good as a rest


This weekend has seen some serious elbow grease go into moving our little slice of CrossFit heaven towards completion.  A big thankyou to Darren and Tara for gutting the place with me on Friday for 7 hours.  The feedback so far has been very positive.  Please remember this is your gym and your feedback is vital to providing the best possible service.

This weekend has also seen the launch of our fresh new look website.  Its been in development for 3or4 months now so hopefully it covers every base.  If you see anything that needs changing and there is the grama police always on the look out please drop me an email.  The new website address and contact email is as follows:

Many of you will already have seen the website and noticed our booking in page.  I have spent the past 3 evenings watching my life slip through my fingers trying to set this up.  I have to say as someone who considers himself awesome (I can just see you all calling me a wanker right now lmao) I have lost the will to live becsuse ive turned into a mong while doing it.  Anyway if you could all visit the page and register yourselves that would be awesome.

When registering you may notice a few changes in membership options and classes.  Here they are explained:

Basic membership / £35 per month: This entitles you to open gym times only.
CrossFit membership / £50 per month: this entitles you to 5 clases + open gym
Unlimited membership / £65 per month: does exactly what it says on the tin.

From Monday we will be starting some extra programs.  We will adding a strength program and an endurance program to our CrossFit and weightlifting programs.  Your membership will allow you to book onto the above classes and we feel plug any potential weaknesses in your fitness.  You can distribute your classes any way you wish upto the limit of your membership.  These extra programs will run at 1900 throughout the week and the months program will be posted on the notice boards upstairs for you to follow.

All in all 2014 has started very well.  New look gym, new look website and next week sees our boards and signage go up.  Im extremely excited about the new year and look forward to building our community with you all.

Grip it and Rip it!!!


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