365 days have flown by since the UK Schools Weightlifting Championships 2013 and what a difference 12 months has made. Livvie weighed in at 61kg and so entered the -63kg category. There was one other lifter in her cstegory and about 13 competing in total including Rebecca Tiler.

We approached the day well. Our preparstion has been spot on with Livvie closing on personal best nicely. We had a previous best total of 77kg and to be honest we wit would have been a re always going to beat that today. We hit the warm up area 30 minutes before the other lifers and sspent that time working on Livvie’s flexability. We took some mobility wod essentials and put livvie through some tough stretchs. The results were noticeable immediately. We moved through some squat drills, into the overhead squat and the feedback from Livvie was possitive. She felt supple and and looked determined to do well.
Our opening lifts were going to be 36snatch/54 C&J. we mived through the Jon North hip and catch drill, we worked through pause snatch’s and hang snatch’s before stated to make oyr way uptoour opening weight. For months we have been trying to get Livvie to get more upward drive rather then punching the bar forward violently resulting in jumping forward to recieve the bar. And today that penny dropped. Not only did she hit her opening weight of 38, we then pb’d the next lift of 41kg.
For Livvie’s final lift I had only 1 target. With only 1 lifter in our category I wanted Livvie to walk away not just with a trophy but with the accolde of the 2nd highest total of all the competitors. The next highest lift was 43kg so I asked hrr to go for 44kg. As always she uo for the challenge and produced a magnificent lift to walk away with a 4kg PB.
With our confidence high from the snatch we attacked the clean and jerk. Once again we started wuth some mobility drills just to help with Livvie’s overhead position. Our target here was 60kg. In training we have a best of 57kg so this was a brave target. We opened at 55kg. Livvie cleaned this comfortably and followed that up with a strong jerk and 3 white lights. Our next lift was 58kg and our 1st and only failed lift. I say failed however it would have been a good crossfit lift livvie slightly bent her arms and pressed out a little. We went straight back out. We still need to get upto speed with rules but essentially 2minutes later we were back on. Livvie this time cleaned it easily. She then aggresively dipped into her heals and smashed 58kg overhead giving the judges no chance to red lights her.
We walked away with a 4kg snatch PB, a 1 kg clean and jerk pb, and a total of 102kg. So in 365 days we have improved by 25kg. After 12 months hard work, training 3 times a week Livvie has done herself proud. Myself and Dave couldn’t be anymore proud of what Livvie has achieved and have already earmarked a 60kg snatch and an 80kg clean and jerk this time next year.
To celebrate I was forced to eat a doughnut. Luckily I was on a cheat day.
Livvie recieves her 1st place trophy. After about 20minutes they actually found the right trophy which was nice.
I couldn’t persuade Livvie to get a picture with Rebecca Tiler so this was the next best thing. Next year we are taking het title
although with an 86 snatch and a 112kg c&j that may be a bit optimistic next year.
AFSCrossFit, Andover: UK Schools Weightlifting Championships