Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Thursday 1 November

"The Big Dirty"

All lifts performed with empty 20kg/10kg bar.

Run 400m
40x Back Squats
40x Front Squats
40x Overhead Squats
Run 400m
40x Shoulder Press
40x Push Press
40x Push Jerks
Run 400
40x Hang power cleans
40x Hang power snatch
Run 400m

For Time:

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Wednesday 31 October

In  team of 3:
Est 1rm OHS squat.
10min Timecap

NB - No rack allowed and the barbell must not touch the floor even to load.

Team Franabeth

In A team of 4

Thrusters (40/30)
Pull Ups
Power Cleans(60/50)
Ring Dips

The team must use the one bar and strip as nessecary

Monday, 29 October 2012

Tuesday 30 October

In Pairs
Est 1 RM Deadlift (Preferably 1man/1women)

NB:Both hold the bar at the same time

as a team of 4
Fight Gone Bad Style

Bumper Plate GTOH (20/10)
KB Swings (32/24)
Pistols (Alternate Legs)
Thrusters (40/30)

Cash Out:  500 Double unders

Add 4 persons totals for score.

Angry Gorilla's T-Shirt

TAFS and Angry Gorilla's

We have slowly but surely built a group of young members who train hard and have shown the commitment to improve and get strong.  As the club grows its only right that they get their own t-shirts.  And here it is:

We are now taking orders.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Monday 29 October

OMEM for 12mins
3 x Hang Squat Snatches

10 x 1 Max Effort Box Jump.
Rest 60 secs between reps

In 3's perform

75 x Hang Power Clean (50/35)
75 x OHS
75 x Push Press
75 x Burpee Box Jump (24 inch)

(Barbell must not touch the floor throughout. 30second time penalty per grounding)

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Thursday 25 October

20mins Max C&J

Front Squat

Suicide Relay max 6 people in team = each member of team does 30m overhead walking lunge 20/10- then a 5/10/15/20/25m suicide, each cone is a 2 handed touch and every 0 is a chest to floor

Rest 10mins

School sports Day.
In pairs complete
100m wheelbarrow
100m firemans carry

Wednesday 24 October

GVT Bench Press @ 55% 1rm rest 60secs



1000 meter row
45 pound Thruster, 50 reps
30 pull-ups

Monday, 22 October 2012

Tuesday 23 October


5 rds for max reps of:
30s hang power clean to push press 20kg db
30s rest
30s weighted pull ups @20kg
30s rest
30s burpee
30s rest

Sunday, 21 October 2012

DWF Team Selection

Phew!!!! The past few weeks has seen our gym being tested harder then ever.  Many have commented on the fact that the 3 parts to the Wods we did in an hour, only a year ago would have been individual Wods for the day.  It is true testament to how far we have come as a gym that not only did we complete these Wods but many hit PB's and performed brilliantly.

Over the past couple of weeks we have ramped up the program to test the limits and indeed try to leave no stone un-turned in the build up to the DWF competition.  All of you are stepping your games up brilliantly and all are making huge steps forward.

A lot of the decisions have been fairly easy.  Injuries have dictated the make up of the teams to a degree but I have some sympathy now with professional team managers who have to make tough team selections every week.  This competition is a fun, friendly competition but I know how hard you have all worked and it has been a real challenge to pick the final 6 people for each team.

I have had to take into account a great many factors in choosing the final line ups:
  1. Strength
  2. Skills
  3. Cardio Fitness
  4. General Fitness
  5. Team Dynamics
  6. Spirit
  7. Future progress
  8. Past dissappointments
  9. And how team members will cope with whatever comes out of the hopper
It hasn't been easy I must admit, and trying to keep everyone happy is damn near impossible.  All I can say is Well done to those in the final 12 and to those that narrowly missed out I hope you can come and support your fellow TAFS and hit it even harder the next time!!!


Davey Boy Millings
Chris "Gibbo" Gibbs
Adam Midwinter
Jamie Martin
Tara Neil
Cally Morfitt


Gareth "G-Unit" MIllings 
Stuart "Macca" Mcrae
Chris "The Oak" Grant
Jarred "Jof" O'Farrell
Alix Critchley
Laura Downton 

Monday 22 October

20mins max snatch

Back squat 5x3@3rm


"12min ladder in 3's

Hr burpee (all 3 athletes together)
Athlete 1 deadlift@125/75
Athlete 2 Clean@90/50
Athlete 3 Thruster 60/40"

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Friday 19 October

3-3-3-3-3 Sumo Deadlift, Est 3rm


Ten rounds for time of:

10 Thrusters 95lb
10 Ring push-ups

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

New Tshirt


As most of you are aware we are looking to sort out some new t-shirts and hoodies.  I have had Chris "Fubar" Newsham one of our members working on a few designs.  I would like to get your feed back on it please.

Front chest logo:

Large back print:

Thursday 18 October

Strength: 5-5-5-5-5 Front Rack Lunges
Est 5rm

In Pairs :
5min Max Double Unders
(Change on Failure)

In Pairs Complete 20 rounds for time:
3 Power Snatches @ 60/35    
3 Burpees

Wednesday 17 October

GVT Bench @50% 1rm
rest 60sec

In Pairs Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Double Unders

50 x GHD

Monday, 15 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October

OMEM for 10mins
3 x Hang Power Clean @70/45

5 x Max L-Sit Hold
rest 30secs between rds


3 rounds
Row 500m
12x Deadlifts (bw)
21x Box jump (24 inch)

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Monday 15 October

Front Squat

3 x 30second Freestanding Handstand (Work in pairs and spot each other)

In Pairs
50 Alternating Burpee Box Jumps
60 x KB Swings (4 x 15@32/24)
70 x Pull Ups (Change at every drop)
80 x Shoulder 2 Overhead(60/40)
200 x Double Unders(Change at every miss)

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Friday 12 October

Stiff Legged Deadlift 
Est new 3rm

15 x Hollow Rocks, 
10 x Man Makers, 
7 x Box Jumps (30/24)
30s Plank

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Thursday 11 October

OMEM for 12mins 2 x Squat Snatch (55/35)

2 Mins Max Effort Double Unders

The Master Chief
Complete as many rounds as possible in 3 minutes:
3 Power Clean - 70kg
6 Front Squats - 70kg
9 Push Ups
Rest for 1 minute between the 3 minute rounds. Repeat for a total of 5 cycles.

Wednesday 10 October

Seated Box Jumps -
Set up an 18inch box so thighs are at parallel.  Jump up to box at 24/26/28/30/32 x 5 reps each

OMEM for 8 Mins
Beg 1/Int 2/Adv 3 x Rope CLimb

10min AMRAP
10 x Pistols (5./leg)
10 x Banded Good Morning
150m Run

Monday, 8 October 2012

Tuesday 9 October

GVT Shoulder Press @ 50%1rm
rest 60s between sets


50-40-30-20-10 rep rounds of:


Sunday, 7 October 2012

Monday 8 October

OMEM for 10 mins
3 x Back Squats @85%

3 rds -
Beg 3/Int 5/Adv 7
Strict Pull Ups
Strict Ring Dips
Strict HSPU's

12 min AMRAP
25 x Abmat Situps
5 x Squat Cleans (80/45kg)
Row 250m

Saturday, 6 October 2012

DWF Trials Results


We have had a pretty gruelling week and I have to say I am massively proud of everyone who has had a crack at the Wods from those just wanting to workout to those with aspirations of competing at the DWF Games 2012.

Over the course of the week we have tested all the key principles of CrossFit.  Not 12 months ago would each element of these WODS have been a WOD on their own but they would have tested our fitness to the limit.  It is a testament to how far we as a gym have progressed to be able to fire these WODS out in under an hour with no real drop of in performance.

We still have a couple of guys who are going to try the WODs out next week.  I will be withdrawing from the reckonings should anyone (Alex Kane noteably) come in with a claim for a place.  Steve and Macca as far as I'm aware have also withdrawn leaving us with the final line ups being:

AFS Team 1
Davey Boy Millings
Adam Midwinter
Chris "Gibbo" Gibbs
Jamie Martin -(Injury permitting)

AFS Team 2
Gareth (G-Unit) Millings
Dave Allen
Chris (The Oak) Grant
Tom Appleton

The ladies field will be confirmed next week with Tara, Laura and Cally completing the WODs


Although many will see this as an A and B team the results were amazingly tight.  5 seconds covered the run/row.  10kg's separated the CFT and 4 reps covered positions 2-6 on the final WOD.  Both teams have every base covered and I would be very surprised if we didn't finish extremely close when the dust settles on the 3&4 November.

Training over the next 3 weeks will be focusing on a few of the weaknesses (not many) picked up over the last week. We will hit it hard engine wise for the next 3 weeks with the final week tapering off for competition time.

Great Job TAFS
Lets get on it for 4 more weeks

Results Breakdown:

Friday, 5 October 2012

Saturday 6 October


Buy In: 50 Unbroken DU


75kg Thrusters
C2B Pull Ups

Cash Out: 50 Unbroken DU

N.B No push presses on the thrusters. Feet remain stationary throughout.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Friday 5 October


Kneeling Squats


Fight Gone Bad

3 rds of 1 minute per exercise of:
Wall balls
Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Box Jumps
Push Press

Thursday 4 October


Split Jerk


10 x Snatch Grip Deadlift
5 x Power Snatch
3 x Overhead Squats
30 second Overhead Hold
Rest 30secs


Tuesday, 2 October 2012



In a 15min time cap complete the CrossFit Total 2:
1rm Clean
1rm Bench press
1rm OHS

Rest 10mins

2 Rds:
row 500m
run 400m


12min AMRAP
5 x Snatch (squat position must be reached) 50/35
25 x Double Unders
1 x Rope Climb

Monday, 1 October 2012

Tuesday 2 October

Warm Up:

2000m Row steady pace

Burgenor Warm Up
Use 60% 1rm Snatch for the High Hang & Mid Thigh Snatch.



Run 400m
15 Turkish Get Ups (16/12)
20 Wall Balls