Saturday 6 October 2012

DWF Trials Results


We have had a pretty gruelling week and I have to say I am massively proud of everyone who has had a crack at the Wods from those just wanting to workout to those with aspirations of competing at the DWF Games 2012.

Over the course of the week we have tested all the key principles of CrossFit.  Not 12 months ago would each element of these WODS have been a WOD on their own but they would have tested our fitness to the limit.  It is a testament to how far we as a gym have progressed to be able to fire these WODS out in under an hour with no real drop of in performance.

We still have a couple of guys who are going to try the WODs out next week.  I will be withdrawing from the reckonings should anyone (Alex Kane noteably) come in with a claim for a place.  Steve and Macca as far as I'm aware have also withdrawn leaving us with the final line ups being:

AFS Team 1
Davey Boy Millings
Adam Midwinter
Chris "Gibbo" Gibbs
Jamie Martin -(Injury permitting)

AFS Team 2
Gareth (G-Unit) Millings
Dave Allen
Chris (The Oak) Grant
Tom Appleton

The ladies field will be confirmed next week with Tara, Laura and Cally completing the WODs


Although many will see this as an A and B team the results were amazingly tight.  5 seconds covered the run/row.  10kg's separated the CFT and 4 reps covered positions 2-6 on the final WOD.  Both teams have every base covered and I would be very surprised if we didn't finish extremely close when the dust settles on the 3&4 November.

Training over the next 3 weeks will be focusing on a few of the weaknesses (not many) picked up over the last week. We will hit it hard engine wise for the next 3 weeks with the final week tapering off for competition time.

Great Job TAFS
Lets get on it for 4 more weeks

Results Breakdown:


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