Sunday 7 September 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover- AFS Cup Report


Saturday 6th August saw us hold our first inter gym competition.  We have held a few comps over the years and have managed to get through them unscathed.  This competition marked a new focus for us.  We wanted to put an event together that would get even the very newest of members involved.  Dave programmed the event to be completely inclusive meaning no Double Unders for Jazzie.   Sadly Ryan had to put up with some thrusters ;).

We had 11 pairs enter meaning the gym was heaving.  I’m pretty sure the Mcewans were just after the free BBQ afterwards but we all had our motives.  My time keeping was shocking for which I would apologise however the good thing about this comp is Dave was running the show.  Which meant it was probably going to run on time and smoothly which it did and I applaud him for his fantastic efforts.

I spent most of the day taking photos.  Now if any of you have tried taking moving shots with an Iphone you will feel my pain.  Everyone apparently is faster then lightning and I got a handful of pics that are now on our flickr account.  There will be a lot more being added in the next few days as they come in.  The teams were a nice mix of new and old, a ringer, brother and sister and couples which is always a treat when they spontaneously combust – Awkward.  I could go into the events, break down the winners and losers etc but the day wasn’t about winning for us.  Sean and Ross did very well and claimed the title however today was about us building our community and developing bonds.  I like nothing more then throwing down with you guys but like equally maybe a touch more having a beer and a social which was a great way to end the day.

Our membership is creeping up and we are looking to add another morning class following the upcoming bootcamp.  As a result we are already looking at holding another in house competition early December and a Christmas Fuction which will be a Casino Night, with food, a bar and some dancing till the early hours.  Look out for all the information coming out in the next week or so and our latest T-Shirt will also be released in the next week too.  All in all there are some exciting times coming to AFS and I hope you come along for the ride.

Get After It TAFS!!


AFSCrossFit, Andover- AFS Cup Report


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