Buy In:
1-1-1-1-1 Deadlift
12 Days of CrossFit Christmas
12 Clapping push ups
11 Fran weight thrusters (40/30 kg)
10 Power snatches (40/30 kg)
9 Overhead squats (40/30 kg)
8 Double unders
7 Weighted lunge walks (20kg/10kg disc overhead)
6 Kipping pull ups
5 BOX JUMPS (24/18 inch)
4 Burpees please
3 Deadlifts
2 Toes to bar
1 60/40kg clean and jerk
To be performed like the song:
On the 1st day of christmas my true love gave to me:1 60kg clean and jerk
On the 2nd day of christmas my true love gave to me:2 Toes to bar
Cash Out
10 Mins MWOD