With the CrossFit Games 2013 now in the can and with Rich Froning and our very own Samantha Briggs being crowned the fittest on Earth I feel it is time for one of those little pep talks.
After watching the Games I'm sure you all had a moment of clarity where you wanted to instantly jump out of your chair and hit the gym with the sole intention of destroying Rich or Sam depending on gender. I came into the gym the following day to see 3 of my members with the sole intention of hitting the Cinco 1&2 WOds from Sunday which was commendable as they looked absolutely nails.
3Rds for time
5 x Deadlift (400lbs/265lbs or (180kg/120kg)
5 x Pistols Left Leg (53/35lbs or 24kg/16kg)
5 x Pistols Right Leg
Cash Out
80ft Handstand Walk
Cinco 2
3 Rds for time:
5 x Muscle Ups
5 x Deficit HSPU
Cash Out
80ft Overhead Lunge (75kg/45kg)
I found myself thinking about goals. We all want to be as Fit as Rich and Sam but as Jason Khalipa recently face booked "it will take time". Short term, Medium Term and Long Term Goals need to be decided and a plan of action put in place to achieve those goals.
I have just achieved one of my short term goals. A 200kg back squat and a 500kg CrossFit Total. This goal has been on the agenda for quite some time but over the past 12 weeks I have actually knuckled done, planned my Madcow 5x5 routine and actually stuck to it. I have to be honest and say I have wavered a little these past few weeks as I have begun adding some Wods to my weekly routine. Taking into account I have not done much more then 5rep workouts for 12 weeks, my current Cardio/Muscle endurance less state has meant a few extra days of recovery. Not good when you have targets to hit each week. P.S my total was 505kg (200/90/215)
Perseverance is also key. I had 3 bites at this 200kg squat today. I implemented a bit of Rich's philosophy of adding weight when missing the first rep narrowly. This was silly to say the least ;). Over the past 12 weeks I have had a few niggles, I have missed a few of my targets but I didn't give up. I had that goal and I wasn't going to fail. You need to pursue your targets and stalk them like prey. Never taking your eye off what you want.
Remember training is exactly that. You are training towards achieving something. May that be a PB squat, A competition or just to lose weight. These are the goals you set yourself and the satisfaction is in getting there, not the road you travel to get there.
If you need any help or advice on setting targets or goals no matter what they are then please drop me a line. After 3 1/2 years of programming for our gym I have a great deal of experience in getting people to achieve what they want.
Get After It