Sunday 6 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Box Rocks 2014


This past weekend saw us enter Box Rocks 2014.  This is an annual team competition held at CrossFit 1664 in Aldershot.  This is a team competition with each team being made up of 8members with a minimum of 2 females.  After a little bit of gentle persuasion and maybe some down right bullying we managed to put a pretty decent team together.  Myself, Dave, Jamie, Tom, Kat and Hayley we’re joined by Natalie for her first ever CrossFit Comp and Marcus who thankfully volunteered when I issued an SOS  to fill the last space with 48 hours notice.

Now usually I would go through the wods one by one describing the ins and outs of what we did.  Today however I want to work through the actual experience.  Over the past few weeks while trying to encourage our members to get involved many have avoided taking part through fear of not being able to do some of the exercises or perceiving themselves not good enough which has always quite frankly pissed me off.

WOD 1:  15/9/6 Hang Clean/Front Squat (60/40).  This was a good WOD for us.  It has become apparent that lifting wods are a strength and we smashed this WOD.  More importantly Marcus had never cleaned over 50kg.  this meant that  6 cleans, let alone hang cleans was going to be a challenge.  He didn’t blast them but showed true heart and fought for every rep and completed them.  First milestone of the weekend done.

WOD 2: Chipper.  We went into WOD two with a few problems.  Firstly myself and dave didnt want to have any part of 200 pull ups. Natalie didn’t have ring dips and the leg less rope climb was left too Kath, Jamie, Dave , Tom and Marcus.  But herein lies the beauty of a team comp.  TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK.  We worked through the WOD.  Every pitched and did what they could and got stuck in.  We didn’t quite finish in the timecap but we could all walk away having given 100%.

WOD 3: The Swim.  Without a doubt the workout that caused the most anxiety.  It brought back bad memories of the swim WOD in DWF2011 where I nit only nearly drowned but more terrifyingly how close I came to being the guy that closed the pool because I shit myself performing 15 bastard in and outs.

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Box Rocks 2014


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