Wednesday 30 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Thursday 31 July



Power clean + Hg Power Clean + Power Jerk max complex in 12mins


5xME Muscle Ups 1 minute on 2 minutes off.

Scale to 5 negative pull ups and 5 negative ring dips per minute of work



10 alt DB Snatch

20x Hollow Rocks

30x Double Unders


AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Thursday 31 July

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 30 July



Push press 3-3-3-3-3


Ring dips 4-4-4-4-4 weighted where possible


100x Thrusters for time (40/30)

Every minute must begin with 4 burpees over the bar

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 30 July

Tuesday 29 July 2014

AFSCrossFIt, Andover- WOD: Tuesday 29 July




Hang Power Snatch


90s max Pull ups 90s rest p0s max pull ups


In a pair run 10x 400m alternating each round.

Whilst your partner is running you can knock seconds off your time by performing Wall ball shots. Every wall ball is a second off :)

AFSCrossFIt, Andover- WOD: Tuesday 29 July

Monday 28 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 28 July






6mins ME Overhead Pistols


5 x 3min AMRAP of:

10 x KB Clean & Press

10 x Burpee Box Jump

Rest 1 min between rounds

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 28 July

Friday 25 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Saturday 26 July



5×10 single arm swings per arm 32/24


6mins max HSPU if kipping is easy do first 15 strict



AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Saturday 26 July

Thursday 24 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 25 July



Tabata Box jumps 30/24 (only scale height if you can’t do 1rep at height)


5xME Muscle Ups 1 minute on 2 minutes off. Scale to 5 negative pull ups and 5 negative ring dips per minute of work


12min AMRAP

30 squat jumps and touch target

20 Knees to elbow

Deadlifts 100/75

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 25 July

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Wednesday 23 July



3 rounds of 10 squats with 40/20 10x jumping squats with  20/10 have two partners strip the bar at the bottom of squat 10 and and then add it back on t the end of jumping squat 10 go unbroken through the whole sequence


Max strict chest to be pull up in 6mins


10-8-6-4-2 Push Press

50-40-30-20-10 sit ups

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Wednesday 23 July

AFSCrossFit, Andover: Tuesday 22 July



Power clean 2-2-2-2-2-2


Pistols 6min max pistols – scale to rolling pistols – scale further to high box step ups



5 power snatches 60/40

10 bar facing burpees

5 muscle ups

AFSCrossFit, Andover: Tuesday 22 July

Monday 21 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover - Gym Talk


I’ve been thinking about writing this blog for about a week now.  My original reason was going to basically be a huge rant about the why’s and where fore’s of the Dominance series but also the worrying factors I keep seeing happening throughout the UK CrossFit scene.  For those of you unaware as to what the Dominance Series was it was basically a CrossFit League.  The country was split into something like 13 territories and you had to travel or host a team from within your territory each week and pay £100 for the privilege.  The competition kicked off over 11 months ago now and month by month the numbers in our territory dwindled.   We had two teams entered and I have to be honest my team dropped out on the release of a WOD with rolly polly’s in it.  I had to question the programming at this time and to be honest it was becoming an ever increasing ball ache not only to organise a fixture but to be able to get all the players in the same place at the same time.  Needless to say it was still a joy to hear Ryan “Boz” Tilley shimpf like fuck after doing the rolly polly’s.  So the journey started but there was never a specific end goal.  I know I had no idea if there was a final and what that would consist of.  Anyway the league finished a couple of months ago and we were discussing its merits with some guys from Nottingham so I decided to message the organisers and get an update, here is what I sent and the reply:

  • Gareth Millings: Hi ME, Can you give me an update as to what is happening with the dominance series and what the end game is for the comp

  • ME: The regular season finished with the last workout in May. The top team in each territory compete in a final. I don’t think there were any from your box

  • Gareth Millings: I appreciate that no-one from our box has qualified however there are a lot of people I have spoken to wondering what is going on and what they signed up for.  It might be worth firing out an update.

  • ME: They signed up for a 9 month season which they have all taken part in – it was a online league not a qualifier.  The top team in each territory is invited to a final just as is explained on the website. There is nothing to send out as a update yet until I have confirmed the finer details of the final WOD and got the online scoreboards and sponsors in place.

    As you can see I was left in no doubt as to what was happening, kinda.  At this point I just said fuck it.  Its finished and after 11 months if there is no final organised and no sponsors then lesson learned.   That was until a blog update was published on the website (Read It).  Now taking into account that apparently an update wasn’t necessary I was intrigued as to what was being written about.  Low and behold we have a full breakdown of the winners.  Some rhetoric about working alone on the project and the difficulty that this created.  It also went on to talk about the final.  Now this whole project was geared around building the CrossFit community (Once again I can see Ryan rolling his eyes LMAO).  So what better way to bring the community together then by bringing everyone together for a final throwdown.  I don’t know maybe ask Train Manchester or one of the bigger boxes to host it centrally and get everyone together.  Don’t charge, don’t charge spectators just a good old fashioned throwdown.  Sounds good YES? Sounds Old School YES? No wait what we will do is we will publish a WOD and you will submit a video online.  What an absolute anti climax.  9 Months of WODS, 2 months of nothing then an online video submission.  I couldn’t be more excited about the prospect of next years competition….Meanwhile with 260+ teams having paid £100 pounds each apparently publishing a website, answering a few emails and publishing a WOD once per month is quite challenging for just shy of a 3grand wage per month.

    After following CrossFit for nearly 9 years and seeing the original games in Aromas and the growth of CrossFit it is becoming more and more apparent that money is all that people are interested in.  T-shirt Quality is shocking, some of the equipment I see is terrible.  More importantly people are throwing events together and just expecting the CrossFIt Community to ignore the bad organising, the incredible lack of communication for what is incorporated in the events and what is expected and I feel like people are walking away from a lot of events dissatisfied but never say.  I guess the old adage that people talk with their feet holds true however with the exponential growth new CrossFitters are going to continue to get ripped off until some one says something.  So I say this,  if you are going to run a competition then make sure you cover all the bases.  You are running an event, not having a reunion, or a jolly with your mates you are charging people and therefore providing a service and an experience so stay on point.  Don’t charge £20 a spectator when we are all crammed into a 1500sq ft box 6deep shoulder to shoulder.  That’s just outrageous.  Spectators are the atmosphere of any comp.  If they are having to put up with cattle class facilities they should pay those prices.  I think BOL’13 was £25 for a weekend and that was in an international standard venue the standard has been set.  No-one gets more annoyed then by inconsistent judging.  If you can’t provide this don’t hold a comp. Why not tell people what they are going to do.  We don’t need the format but the exercises are crucial.  A great example was at Box Rocks recently.  One WOD had Over Box Jumps involved.  To my utter distain someone actually asked what was involved.  We then spent 10 minutes discussing a fucking box jump.  It was bad enough that someone was stupid enough to ask, but what made it worse was the organiser changed the standards and that resulted in confusion during the WOD.  All this could have been avoided by a simple standards video and would have saved I would estimate 2hours worth of meaningless questions about basic CrossFit moves.  This Strength in Depth competitions is firing out updates and videos all over the place and I’m already confident they will run a good comp, as its costing £200 to enter then a further £900 to go to the final it certainly needs to be.  (If those costs are wrong then feel free to blast me).  We recently went to the Primal Games Comp run by CrossFit Plymouth.  100 teams, 7 WODs that every team took part in, £100 to enter, with only a club to the winner was without doubt one of the best comps I’ve been to and over ran by 25mins which was not bad at all.  That and the Battle of London, although on two totally different scales are leading the way by a mile.  I look forward to the Premier Fitness League online comp which already looks like marginalising the Dominance Series not only with the ease of format, the cost of £45/team, there are actually prizes for first place each week, but also the fact I’ve emailed them twice and had a very thorough answer back on the same day.   Keep it up guys!!

    So that was my original reason for blogging a week ago but as you can see I have calmed down since and moved on from it.  The new reason to blog was to give you all the heads up on the next 6weeks or so.  Today saw us have our first Open/Bring a Friend day.  The idea of this was to grow our little gym.  I could make up some stuff about Community but Ryan has probably already deleted me off Facebook ;).  On a serious note we have developed a really tight group of members.  As each week passes I can really see the the newer members starting to get comfortable and start to add their little bit of character to the place.  Beth and her favourite band – Dying Foetus was a true moment of genius and Jamie’s Bootcampers are starting to chops off as if they own the joint.  You, the members are the heart and soul of our little gym and to be honest we rely heavily on you guys to bring people in.  For all the advertising and all the flyer drops, word of mouth is by far the most effective way for us to spread our message as CrossFit is so difficult to explain in 30seconds.  Have a go in the comments section lets see who gives it the best go.  I’m sure I can come up with a t-shirt for the winner.  We have a certain style, as you can see by this blog,  it’s a little old school, swearing and speaking our minds is pretty much what we are about.  I personally have trouble with giving any kind of positive comments when there is nothing positive to say, I call it how it is.  Oh and don’t worry more then a few people have told me how shit I am at this.  Some people will cry and leave, others will tell me to Fuck Off and prove me wrong.  Dave “Slug” Allen popped home after moving to Gloucester and joining CrossFIt Glevum and came in for a workout.  Afterwards we had a catch up and he said something very profound “Glevum is nice, But its missing something.  No one ever calls me a c**t from across the gym” we laughed and he continued “But when you do get a “GOOD JOB” when you get it right here you know you have earned it”.  So the truth is when we run these open days we appreciate that you are supporting us, and we also don’t want to let you guys down.  I know when I put my name to something and it goes wrong I take it personally.  We are looking to run these days every month if possible and would really like you guys to help us grow the AFS community.

    So what’s coming up? I hear you ask.

    1 MONTH FREE TRIAL – The idea of the open day was to give people a taste of CrossFit, get them interested and sign them upto our 1 month free trial starting August 2nd.  This includes a full introduction to CrossFit and access to all of our classes over August including the Yoga and Mobility, Barbell Club and of course CrossFit.  If you would like to sign up or know someone who is keen then please point them to the website and sign them up on our bookings page.  We have 5spaces available and are always able to squeeze a couple more in if needed.  Again please spread the word and help us grow.

    AUGUST 16th – MUSIC IN THE PARK – Andover Rugby Club are holding a community day and we have entered the touch rugby competition.  We need 12 players so if you want to come along, have a laugh and drink a little Pimms join in.  There is talk of a fitness comp so we can take that on as well.

    AFS CUP – On Saturday 6 September we have our first in house comp at our new home.  The AFS Cup is a pairs competition open to all gym members.  We have seeded our better athletes so they can’t team up to level the playing field and encourage everyone to get involved.  We did the first WOD on Sunday and I have to say it was a nice little warm up and nothing any of you will be scared of.  So please get involved, take a punt on yourself and you never know, you might just actually enjoy putting all that fitness you have been grafting away developing to the test :)

    That’s my blog.  Its longer then war and peace so I’m sorry.  If you got this far you must enjoyed it I guess.  The guys in Wales probably think I’m a proper c**t if they have read this but they wont be the first or the last to think that.   Maybe my head is up my arse a bit far thinking this may even get viral.

    Give em Hell TAFS

    G-Unit OUT


AFSCrossFit, Andover - Gym Talk

Sunday 20 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 21 July



Push press 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 – increase weight each set :) start comservative


Handstand push ups max deficit for a single


10 rounds

4 thrusters@60/40

run 200m

rest 60s

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 21 July

Thursday 17 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 18 July


Skill A)

Death by Wall balls in 3′s minute 1-3 minute 2-6 and so on

Skill B)

4xME Ring Dips or 4×8 negatives with 5s decent


With a partner in a you go I go fashion

10rds of:

Row 250

6x Deadlifts

12x Box jumps

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 18 July

Wednesday 16 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Thursday 17 July



10x left arm KB swing / 10x right arm swing / 20x double handed swing – Start at 8/12 move up a KB with each set until you find a challenging weight and stay there for remaining sets.


5xME Tempo Pull Ups 2s up 1s hold 3s lower 1s dead hang – Scale to 5×8 negatives with 5s decent


Plyo Cindy

5 clapping pull ups

10x clapping push ups

15x heel clicker squats :)

Go for quality of moevment over volume

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Thursday 17 July

Tuesday 15 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 16 July



10×8 box jumps 24/20 on the minute


5xME alternating pistols – 2mins rest


12min AMRAP

5m standing broad jumps

4x Wall walks

3x single leg deadlifts per side

200m run

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 16 July

Monday 14 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Tuesday 15 July



Plyo push ups 5×5 to 3 plates if possible


6 minutes to accumulate deficit Handstand push ups 2/3 plates if possible


As a pair

30 each / 20 each / 10 each

cleans @60/40

Ring rows

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Tuesday 15 July

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 14 July



ME Squat Jump


5 x ME Muscle Ups (1min on 2 mins rest)


21 x Push Press (40/20)

200m Run

18 x Push Press(50/30)

200m Run

15 x Push Press (60/40)

200m Run

12 x Push Press(70/50)

200m Run

9 x Push Press (80/60)

200m Run

6 x Push Press(90/70)

200m Run

3 x Push Press (100/80)

200m Run

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Monday 14 July

Thursday 10 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 11 September



Push press 3-3-3-3-3


Weighted Pull ups 3-3-3-3-3



10x hang squat clean thruster (50/35)

20x alternating floor wipers with bar

400m run (have bar on top of a couple of plates where possible)

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Friday 11 September

Wednesday 9 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Thursday 10 July



2s pause Snatches 55%x2 60%x2 65%x2 70%1 75%x1 80%x1


3x3mins of rolling pistols 2mins rest between each set (This starts standing decend on one leg roll backwards into candlestick then roll out into pistol and stand)


20min cap – 300 Russian kettlebells swings everytime you put the kettlebell down perform 5 burpees before continuing

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Thursday 10 July

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 9 July



Thruster 3-3-3-3-3


3x ME Handstand push up, good at kipping start each set with 10 strict!!



5 rounds of:

400m run

30x wall balls

30x box jumps

Time Cap 25mins

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Wednesday 9 July

Tuesday 8 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Tuesday 8 July



5×10 double russian KB Swing heavy as possible


5xME Muscle Ups 1 minute on 2 minutes off.

Scale to 5 negative pull ups and 5 negative ring dips per minute of work


5 rounds of Plyo Lynne

20 pulls on rower for max distance

straight into max claping push ups

rest as needed before going again


AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Tuesday 8 July

Monday 7 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Monday 7 July



Ring dips 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 heavy as possible


Box jumps on the minute every minute for 10 minutes x6 as high as possible but must be rebound


3mins work 2mins rest – Work consists of 40calorie row

30 squat jumps to 3/2 plates

20 Press Ups Hand release


AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD:Monday 7 July

Sunday 6 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Box Rocks 2014


This past weekend saw us enter Box Rocks 2014.  This is an annual team competition held at CrossFit 1664 in Aldershot.  This is a team competition with each team being made up of 8members with a minimum of 2 females.  After a little bit of gentle persuasion and maybe some down right bullying we managed to put a pretty decent team together.  Myself, Dave, Jamie, Tom, Kat and Hayley we’re joined by Natalie for her first ever CrossFit Comp and Marcus who thankfully volunteered when I issued an SOS  to fill the last space with 48 hours notice.

Now usually I would go through the wods one by one describing the ins and outs of what we did.  Today however I want to work through the actual experience.  Over the past few weeks while trying to encourage our members to get involved many have avoided taking part through fear of not being able to do some of the exercises or perceiving themselves not good enough which has always quite frankly pissed me off.

WOD 1:  15/9/6 Hang Clean/Front Squat (60/40).  This was a good WOD for us.  It has become apparent that lifting wods are a strength and we smashed this WOD.  More importantly Marcus had never cleaned over 50kg.  this meant that  6 cleans, let alone hang cleans was going to be a challenge.  He didn’t blast them but showed true heart and fought for every rep and completed them.  First milestone of the weekend done.

WOD 2: Chipper.  We went into WOD two with a few problems.  Firstly myself and dave didnt want to have any part of 200 pull ups. Natalie didn’t have ring dips and the leg less rope climb was left too Kath, Jamie, Dave , Tom and Marcus.  But herein lies the beauty of a team comp.  TEAMWORK MAKES THE DREAMWORK.  We worked through the WOD.  Every pitched and did what they could and got stuck in.  We didn’t quite finish in the timecap but we could all walk away having given 100%.

WOD 3: The Swim.  Without a doubt the workout that caused the most anxiety.  It brought back bad memories of the swim WOD in DWF2011 where I nit only nearly drowned but more terrifyingly how close I came to being the guy that closed the pool because I shit myself performing 15 bastard in and outs.

AFSCrossFit, Andover-Box Rocks 2014

Wednesday 2 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Thursday 3 July



Power clean 3-3-3-3-3


Handstand push ups10-8-6-4 strict, follow each set with max effort kipping



KB Snatch

Jumping lunge

run 400m



AFSCrossFit, Andover-WOD: Thursday 3 July

Tuesday 1 July 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover- Wednesday 2 July



Push Press 5-5-5-5-5


6mins accumulation of strict muscle ups or negatives



Thrusters (45/35)

Pull ups

AFSCrossFit, Andover- Wednesday 2 July