Competition TIME!!!
Event 1:
5 minute AMRAP
Bar facing Burpees
Thrusters (30/20)
Event 2:
Truck Pull / Shoulder 2 Overhead
In five minutes you must pull a 2 tonne truck 70m then establish a 1 rep max shoulder press, push press or push jerk.
Event 3:
7 minute AMRAP
7 x Deadlift (120/60)
Run 70m
14 Overhead Squats (30/20)
21 Double Unders
Run 70m
Event 4:
The Chipper (15 minute AMRAP)
Run 400m (Will only be performed at the start)
15 x HSPU /Press Ups
15 x Thrusters (40/20)
15 x Situps
15 x Power Snatches (40/20)
15 x Air Squats
15 x Sumo Deadlift High Pull (40/20)
1 x Rope Climb
Should you complete the chipper
AMRAP= As Many Reps As Possible
We will have scaling options available on the day however should you scale then you will automatically drop below the last placed Rx (as recommended) Athlete.