Wednesday, 1 January 2014

AFSCrossFit, Andover _Happy New Year

As we move into our 4th year and 2014 we have to analyse the past year and plan our progress through the next. 

As a gym we have developed enormously.  We have evolved our programming 3 times.  All of these upgrades have been a direct result of your application, attitude and improvements.  I no longer class ourselves as a crossfit gym.  I feel that the feedback that we have received has evolved us into a strength and conditioning facility that uses CrossFit. 

My goal when I set up this gym was to educate my future members and empower them to be able to make informed choices as to what they do with their fitness.  This year I have taken great pride in seeing many of you turning up to classes early and working weaknesses, improving strengths and working on new skills.  It has also given me huge satisfaction to see many of you coaching each other and helping and motivating each other to achieve your goals.

During 2013 as you are aware we have moved premises.  The reason for this was purely financial.  However since moving I personally feel our community has come a little closer and the atmosphere since moving has been buzzing and inspirational.  I have learnt an awful lot this year about myself, and evaluated my performance I would give myself a generous c-.  I'm extremely excited about what the new year holds.  I'm looking forward to turning the page and starting a fresh chapter full of drive and ambition to help you all hit your fitness goals. 

As the year has progressed we have gained new members and said goodbye to great friends.  Some have moved countries, some just moved and others found that CrossFit wasn't their cup of tea.  From a coach's perspective I feel many of our members have struggled to define what and why they CrossFit.  I feel that this is the most important part of the journey.  I love talking shit as much as the next person and if you come into the gym to workout with your friends and enjoy the workouts purely to keep fit that is awesome.  I class myself now as a keep fit crossfitter.  If you have ambition to hit some local low level competitions that is equally fantastic and something we as coach's will actively encourage and support.  We don't yet have an elite group of athletes.  Some are very close and are showing the determination, commitment and sacrifice to make the step up.  The key is to decide which you are and be happy.  Once you have made the decision I guarentee you will enjoy your workouts a lot more.

For 2014 I want to see us as a gym start getting out a little more.  I am already in talks with a few local gyms to hold a throwdown series. I would love you all to experience the buzz of a crossfit/weightlifting competition.  Something purely for fun with no pressure but something that provides that team spirit and comaraderie that only competition provides.  These dates will be published on our new look whiteboard and I hope you all take up the challenge. 

I love a good BBQ and 2014 is going to see a lot more community days where we all get together, kids and all and get to know each other.  If any of you have any ideas about events then please throw them into the ring and lets crack open a beer.

As an aside I have to reinforce a few key points.  The coach's you have available are 3 very well informed people.  Each brings their own take on what CrossFit is and that variety has helped grow many of you into very good CrossFitters.  There is over 50years of experience, degree level education, numerous fitness courses and a desire for self education to then pass onto our members that is very rare in the fitness industry.  We know what we are talking about and if you trust us we will make you better in 2014 and beyond. 

From an operational point of view we are going to be implementing the team up system. This will mean booking in for classes. In 2014 we will no longer allow people to train around the class.  It has become apparent that this distracts the class and the coach's from providing the level of instruction we pride ouselves on.  If you wish to follow your own programming there will be ample open gym slots available.  Please heed this rule as it will be awkward telling you to move upstairs out of the way.  There will be no exceptions!

Here are my goals for 2014:

1) Improve the direction and focus of our program
2) Establish clear targets and facilitate their achievement
3) Provide structure for tracking progress
4) Develop our kids program by establushing links with local schools
5) Grow our membership to 150
6) Upgrade equipment discs/boxes/rowers etc

Personal Goals:
1) 250 Back Squat / 200 Front Squat
2) 100 snatch / 125 clean and jerk
3) 125 Shoulder press
4) beat jamie in a wod ;)
5) Get Fit and maybe see the other side of 100kg oh and see an ab again ;)

Happy New Year TAFS X



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